The database of burials in the Lower Burial Ground was taken from several Burial Registers of St. George’s Anglican Church which established the grave yard in 1783.
For those who are searching for a particular name, the surname listing below will take you to the specific burial record. You can also enter the name in the search bar immediately to the right where it says “Type Query Here”.
The amount of information available in each record varies considerably. As research progresses more information is being added. If you have details on a particular individual that you would like us to consider please contact us at lowerburialground@gmail.com
The following is a complete list of burials in alphabetical order by last name.
- Abel, 1813
- Adams, Eliza, 1813
- Adams, James, 1802
- Adams, Sarah, 1802
- Addams, James, 1819
- Adkins, Daniel Allin, 1826
- Aiken, William, 1802
- Aitkins, Alexander, 1800
- Anderson, William, 1805
- Arkland, Ann, 1809
- Ashley, Joseph, 1802
- Askey, 1794
- Askey, Mary, 1801
- Atkinson, Jane, 1819
- Atkinson, Mary, 1827
- Atkinson, William, 1805
- Atkinson, William, 1813
- Atkinson, William, 1825
- Atkison, Robert Walker, 1812
- Austin, John, 1816
- Austin, Rebekah, 1815
- Aykroud, W., 1812
- Badgley, Sarah, 1804
- Badgley, William, 1798
- Bain, William, 1823
- Baker, Charles, 1823
- Baker, Hannah Maria, 1815
- Baker, James, 1800
- Balfour, Mathew, 1818
- Ballan, Julia, 1796
- Bamford, Charles, 1826
- Barnes, John, 1803
- Barns, June, 1803
- Barrie, Josiah, 1795
- Bartlet, Nancy, 1819
- Bateman, John, 1811
- Baubien, 1800
- Bayman, 1810
- Bayman, James, 1799
- Beard, Adam, 1805
- Beeman, William, 1799
- Belfleur, John, 1805
- Benedick, Elizabeth, 1812
- Bennett, Hannah, 1813
- Bennett, William, 1819
- Betson, Robert, 1805
- Betton, 1794
- Blackwood, Ann, 1805
- Blain, George, 1810
- Bloom, George, 1813
- Bointon, Eugenia, 1804
- Boiton, 1804
- Bonnycastle, Catharine Ann, 1845
- Bonnycastle, Richard, 1847
- Brant, Mary (Molly), 1796
- Brayley, Elizabeth, 1804
- Brayley, William, 1812
- Briant, George, 1821
- Brindle, Sophia, 1813
- Brooks, John Camp, 1809
- Brown, Mary, 1795
- Brown, Richard, 1795
- Buchette, 1792
- Burke, Joseph, 1796
- Burley, Robert, 1815
- Burley, Samuel, 1802
- Bush, 1796
- Bush, Isabella, 1812
- Butler, Eliza, 1826
- Cain, Francis, 1802
- Calp, George, 1803
- Cameron, A., 1815
- Cameron, Allan, 1803
- Cameron, Elizabeth, 1813
- Cameron, Mary, 1805
- Campbell, Sarah, 1805
- Cannon, James, 1805
- Canon, Benjamin, 1797
- Carera, Charles, 1808
- Carey, John, 1804
- Carter, 1802
- Cartwright, Elizabeth, 1792
- Cartwright, Hannah, 1812
- Cartwright, Hannah, 1795
- Cartwright, James, 1811
- Cartwright, John Solomon, 1845
- Cartwright, Magdalen, 1827
- Cartwright, Richard, 1794
- Cartwright, Robert David, 1843
- Cartwright, Stephen, 1814
- Cartwright, Thomas, 1826
- Cassady, Elizabeth, 1797
- Cassady, John, 1801
- Cassady, John, 1808
- Cassady, Mary, 1804
- Cassedy, Elizabeth, 1813
- Catharine, 1811
- Chittle, Amelia, 1822
- Church, William James, 1813
- Clancey, 1796
- Clark, Henry Lewis, 1813
- Clark, Peter, 1793
- Clarke, James, 1807
- Clifford, John, 1820
- Coffin, William, 1804
- Cook, Margaret, 1806
- Cook, Margaret (Mary), 1809
- Cooley, Sarah, 1809
- Cooley, Thomas, 1807
- Coxe, Michael, 1797
- Coy, Elizabeth, 1822
- Coy, Hannah, 1860
- Coy, Henry, 1824
- Culberson, John, 1806
- Cumming, Mary, 1802
- Curtis, Bridget, 1809
- Dale, William, 1803
- Darley, Ann, 1799
- Darley, John, 1821
- Darley, Martha Maria, 1809
- Darley, Mary Ann, 1844
- Darley, Sarah Hellen, 1856
- Davenport, Mary, 1796
- Davis, John, 1809
- Davis, Richard, 1813
- Deacon, Isabella, 1823
- Deacon, Isabella, 1842
- Deacon, Mary Isabella, 1807
- Deacon, Thomas, 1836
- Deacon, William Richard, 1806
- Decareau, 1799
- Demill, William Anthony, 1810
- Denike, 1795
- Denn, Mary Ann,, 1817
- Dickinson, James Henry C., 1851
- Digneau, John Baptist, 1803
- Dobbs, Mary Magdalen, 1839
- Donaldson, Sarah Jane, 1818
- Douglas, George, 1819
- Douglas, Isabella, 1809
- Dunn, Terrence, 1797
- Earl, Ann, 1818
- Earl, Hugh, 1841
- Earl, Margaret, 1831
- Edmisson, John, 1812
- Ellerbeck, Emanuel, 1809
- Emanuel, Joseph, 1810
- England, Ann, 1810
- Evans, 1793
- Fackery, William, 1800
- Faradan, Jane Eliza, 1816
- Farewell, Margaret, 1823
- Ferguson, John, 1830
- Ferguson, Magdalen, 1817
- Ferns, Alexander John, 1830
- Ferns, Christianna Sarah, 1832
- Ferns, Christina Walker, 1828
- Ferns, Eliza, 1833
- Ferns, William James, 1832
- Fish, Mary, 1815
- Fisher, Daniel, 1805
- Fitch, Titus, 1809
- Fleming, Daniel, 1809
- Fleming, John, 1801
- Fleming, Thomas, 1845
- Flemma, Mary Harriet, 1806
- Flock, Mary, 1826
- Flock, Richard, 1812
- Forbes, 1783
- Forbes, J. M., 1806
- Forrester, 1783
- Forsyth, 1802
- Forsyth, Ann, 1799
- Forsyth, George,, 1799
- Forsyth, Joseph, 1813
- Fortier, A., 1808
- Foster, Alexander Sutton, 1818
- Foster, Colley Lyons Lucas, 1843
- Fowler, Henry, 1820
- Fox, 1795
- Franklin, Joseph Henry, 1825
- Fraser, Ann, 1809
- Freeman, 1799
- Freymouth, Adam, 1808
- Fugma, John, 1808
- Fuller, Mary, 1818
- Galloway, [Rachel], 1794
- Gamble, Catharine Magdalen, 1806
- Gamble, John, 1811
- Geddes, Jane Whitney, 1823
- Georgen, 1793
- Georgen, James, 1794
- Gerard, Margaret, 1801
- Gin, 1804
- Glassup, George, 1807
- Glink, John Elliott, 1813
- Good, William, 1797
- Goode, Elizabeth, 1802
- Gould, 1811
- Grafts, John, 1808
- Grant, 1794
- Grant, Francis, 1821
- Grant, John, 1813
- Grant, Mary, 1823
- Grant, Peter, 1813
- Gray, 1817
- Green, 1795
- Grewer, John, 1813
- Grindstone, 1793
- Grinduelle, 1796
- Grooms, 1794
- Grooms, Anthony, 1802
- Grooms, Margaret, 1802
- Gyles, Thomas, 1802
- Hagerman, Elizabeth, 1832
- Hagerman, Sarah Maria, 1828
- Hall, Robert, 1818
- Harley, James, 1791
- Hashforth, Thomas, 1802
- Hayward, Edward, 1798
- Haywood, Judah, 1795
- Henderson, Charles, 1817
- Henderson, George, 1804
- Henry, William, 1805
- Herchmer, 1795
- Herchmer, George, 1817
- Herchmer, Hanzoost, 1795
- Herchmer, Jacob, 1805
- Herchmer, John, 1808
- Herchmer, Mary, 1805
- Herchmer, Peter, 1809
- Heslup, Mary, 1799
- Hicks, Joseph, 1800
- Hirschfeldt, Elizabeth, 1809
- Hocks, Ann, 1798
- Holbrook, Frederick Charles, 1807
- Horne, Thomas, 1808
- Horning, Jane, 1804
- Hough, Margaret, 1802
- Howell, Joseph, 1796
- Howland, 1802
- Humphreys, Thomas, 1803
- Inde, 1795
- Jackson, William, 1818
- James, Nicholas, 1807
- Jelley, Mary, 1806
- Johnson, Margaret, 1802
- Johnson, William, 1796
- Johnson, William, 1805
- Johnston, William, 1818
- Jones, James, 1796
- Jones, Mary, 1812
- Jones, Richard, 1813
- Kantz, Peter, 1801
- Kayton, John, 1795
- Keith, Ann, 1813
- Kindle, John, 1822
- Kirby, Mary, 1837
- Lake, Elias, 1801
- Lamoine, Edward William, 1794
- Lamoine, Susannah, 1795
- Lansingh, Philip P., 1792
- Laplant, Francis, 1802
- LaRose, 1796
- Latham, James, 1799
- Lawson, Mary, 1791
- Leney, Peter, 1806
- Lines, 1808
- Lynes, 1794
- Lynes, Margaret, 1808
- Macarty, 1793
- Macaulay, Ann Kirby, 1850
- Macaulay, Robert, 1800
- Macaulay, Robert, 1823
- Mackay, William, 1801
- Mackentire, 1803
- Mackenzie, Mary Rebecca, 1816
- MacLean, Harriet, 1826
- MacMann, 1792
- Markland, Anna, 1847
- Markland, Thomas, 1840
- May, Silas, 1818
- McArthur, Charles, 1819
- McCracken, John, 1813
- McCullough, Charles, 1795
- McCurdy, Mary, 1813
- McDonald, 1793
- McDonald, Charles, 1815
- McDonell, Donald, 1805
- McDonell, Elizabeth, 1805
- McDonnel, Alexander, 1807
- McDonnel, John, 1802
- McDonnell, 1794
- McDonnell, Alexander, 1794
- McDonnell, Catharine, 1799
- McDonnell, John, 1803
- McDonnell, William, 1806
- McGowan, Eliza, 1840
- McGowan, Eliza, 1841
- McGowan, Lucinda, 1845
- McGowan, Samuel, 1847
- McGuire, John, 1805
- McKay, Robert, 1807
- McKay, Wm., 1799
- McLaughlin, 1794
- McLaughlin, 1808
- McLean, 1824
- McLean, Mary, 1815
- McLean, Neil, 1795
- McLeod, John, 1800
- McMullen, John, 1801
- McQuin, John, 1809
- McWilliams, Davis, 1809
- Mends, Mary A., 1821
- Mercy, Henry, 1808
- Merrill, George, 1823
- Merrils, Mary, 1803
- Merrils, Sarah, 1805
- Merrit, Joseph, 1792
- Metcalf, Margaret Soaden, 1841
- Meyers, 1793
- Miller, Jane Earl, 1863
- Milton, Elizabeth, 1796
- Milton, Thomas, 1807
- Mininger, John, 1795
- Mitchell, William, 1820
- Morney, Charles Chambers, 1809
- Morrill, 1812
- Morrison, Margaret, 1805
- Mosier, Eliza Mallory, 1816
- Muir, 1792
- Muirhead, 1793
- Murney, Charles Symth, 1812
- Murney, Henry, 1816
- Murney, Henry, 1835
- Murney, William F., 1832
- Nameless ( “two soldiers, 5th Regt.” 1794), 1794
- Nameless (“a stranger” 1811), 1811
- Nameless (“black boy” 1794), 1794
- Nameless (“Indian” 1793), 1793
- Nameless (“Negro Child” 1801), 1801
- Nameless (“six sailors” 1791), 1791
- Nameless (“Soldier, 60th Regt.” 1795), 1795
- Nameless (“Soldier, Queen’s York Rangers” 1793), 1793
- Nameless (“two sailors” 1792), 1792
- Nameless (1 unnamed burial, 1790), 1790
- Nameless (3 unnamed burials, 1787), 1787
- Nameless (4 unnamed burials, 1786), 1786
- Nameless (4 unnamed burials, 1789), 1789
- Nameless (six unnamed burials, 1785), 1785
- Nameless (soldier “of Hollingsworth” 1793), 1793
- Nameless (two soldiers, “60th Regt.” 1794), 1794
- Nameless (unnamed burial, 1784), 1784
- Norton, Ann, 1818
- Norton, Loomis, 1824
- O'Reiley, Dennis, 1809
- Oliver, Charles, 1841
- Oliver, Edmund John, 1816
- Oliver, John, 1813
- Olkot, Catharine, 1807
- Olson, Andrew, 1811
- Owen, William, 1815
- Page, John, 1795
- Parker, John, 1804
- Parker, John Turpin, 1818
- Patrick, Susannah, 1812
- Patrick, W. P., 1813
- Pattison, Thomas, 1804
- Pember, Frank, 1826
- Pember, Martha, 1824
- Pember, Philip, 1808
- Pember, Phillip, 1818
- Pember, Sarah, 1802
- Pember, Thomas, 1820
- Perkins, 1796
- Perkins, John, 1799
- Perkins, William, 1801
- Perkins, William, 1825
- Peters, Bemsley, 1798
- Petre, Thomas Oliphant, 1816
- Philips, John, 1795
- Philips, Thomas, 1805
- Philips, Thomas, 1810
- Pinkney, Joseph, 1805
- Plummer, Thomas, 1805
- Poneett, John, 1813
- Posen, John, 1811
- Powell, Thomas, 1804
- Prayley, William, 1812
- Price, John, 1813
- Price, Martha, 1851
- Price, Thomas, 1809
- Prince, 1806
- Pritchard, Joseph, 1802
- Purbeck, 1792
- Purkis, Euliel, 1824
- Raindle, Mary, 1844
- Randall, William, 1819
- Rankine, Ann, 1795
- Raskhip, John, 1813
- Reed, Jane, 1812
- Renny, 1797
- Rice, Patrick, 1794
- Richardson, John Dennis, 1817
- Richardson, Sarah, 1809
- Richardson, Thomas, 1804
- Ridley, John, 1804
- Ripp, William, 1795
- Robbins, James, 1825
- Robbins, Joseph, 1819
- Robins, John, 1794
- Robins, Margaret, 1803
- Robinson, 1802
- Robinson, Betsy, 1794
- Robinson, James, 1819
- Robinson, Mary, 1816
- Robison, Thomas, 1806
- Robison, William, 1851
- Rocheleau, Benjamin, 1803
- Rock, Joseph R., 1806
- Rogers, Eliza, 1806
- Rogers, Mary, 1821
- Roggie, James, 1806
- Roggie, Jane, 1806
- Russel, 1793
- Russel, Abigail, 1791
- Russell, Lucy, 1806
- Russell, Mary, 1815
- Sampson, Mary, 1816
- Sampson, Thomas, 1822
- Schreiber, Johanna Justin, 1855
- Scofield, Enos, 1809
- Secord, 1796
- Sellers, Elizabeth, 1800
- Shannon, William Merrill, 1821
- Shaw, Jane, 1825
- Shaw, Lucy Ann, 1816
- Shaw, Robert, 1819
- Shaw, William, 1813
- Sheppard, Mary Ann, 1803
- Sherridan, John, 1810
- Sherwood, George, 1819
- Short, Sarah, 1815
- Simpson, James, 1818
- Simpson, Mary, 1811
- Simpson, Thomas, 1822
- Sims, 1822
- Skrimmer, Solomon, 1799
- Smith, 1817
- Smith, Amy, 1817
- Smith, Ann, 1846
- Smith, Ann(e), 1825
- Smith, Anne, 1803
- Smith, Christian, 1808
- Smith, Christopher W., 1833
- Smith, George, 1855
- Smith, George Bartlett, 1816
- Smith, James, 1813
- Smith, Mary, 1816
- Smith, Mary, 1854
- Smith, Patrick, 1823
- Smith, Peter, 1826
- Smith, Stephen, 1813
- Smith, Thomas, 1812
- Smith, William, 1837
- Smith, William, 1838
- Smith, William James, 1813
- Smyth, George, 1811
- Smyth, Kirby, 1813
- Smythe, Jane Stuart, 1811
- Snarls, John, 1808
- Sophia, 1800
- Spalsbury, William Henry, 1817
- Sparham, 1808
- Sparham, Thomas,, 1813
- Spilsburg, Francis Bracknell, 1823
- Spratt, Catharine, 1819
- Spratt, Michael, 1824
- St. John, 1793
- St. Thomas, 1793
- Stauber, John, 1805
- Staunton, Mary Ann, 1810
- Steel, 1793
- Stevens, John, 1792
- Stevens, Mary, 1792
- Stoney, Nicholas, 1798
- Strange, Sarah, 1830
- Stretch, Daniel, 1797
- Strickland, Thomas, 1815
- Stuart, Charles, 1816
- Stuart, Charles, 1850
- Stuart, George Okill, 1862
- Stuart, Jane, 1815
- Stuart, Jane Okill, 1821
- Stuart, John, 1811
- Stuart, John Brooks, 1835
- Stuart, Lucy Brooks, 1813
- Stuart, Lucy Jane, 1812
- Stuart, Mary Ellice Robison, 1856
- Stuart, Mary Ross, 1815
- Sweeney, 1783
- Tabbot, Phillip, 1819
- Taffe, John, 1820
- Talbot, Elenor, 1819
- Talbot, Robert, 1843
- Tavernier, 1795
- Taylor, Jonathan, 1803
- Taylor, William, 1801
- Temple, Mary, 1818
- Thehmar, Peter, 1809
- Thomas, Robert, 1817
- Thompson, 1790
- Thompson, Ann, 1792
- Thompson, Henry, 1825
- Thompson, J. McCloud, 1826
- Thompson, Maxwell, 1810
- Thompson, Robert, 1809
- Thomson, Adolphus, 1830
- Thomson, Elizabeth, 1814
- Thomson, Hugh C., 1834
- Thomson, Hugh Christopher, 1834
- Thomson, Jane McLeod, 1826
- Thomson, Margaret Elizabeth, 1824
- Thomson, Reginald Heber, 1833
- Thomson, William Henry, 1825
- Thumwood, George, 1819
- Tidy, Francis Skelly, 1835
- Tindall, Abigail, 1802
- Tindall, Sarah, 1802
- Tindell, Robert, 1816
- Tipper, Gertrude, 1805
- Tipper, James, 1802
- Tippido, 1808
- Todd, Marianne, 1848
- Todd, Mary Ann, 1844
- Torrance, James, 1817
- Tosdevine, Elizabeth, 1808
- Tremir, John, 1823
- Trump, Charles, 1812
- Tully, John, 1802
- Turner, James, 1811
- Underushin, Jaire, 1809
- Valiere, Mary, 1810
- Vallier, Joseph, 1821
- Waggoner, Frederick, 1803
- Walker, Elizabeth, 1818
- Walker, Harriet, 1819
- Walker, Martha Lomas, 1821
- Ward, 1816
- Ward, John, 1819
- Washburn, Daniel, 1816
- Washburn, Mary, 1817
- Watson, Lucas, 1808
- Watson, Rebeca, 1818
- Wertele, Henry, 1820
- Whitlock, James, 1804
- Wilkins, Robert, 1801
- Wilkinson, Sarah Catharine, 1828
- Wilkinson, William, 1826
- Williams, Robert, 1809
- Willis, James L., 1818
- Willson, W., 1815
- Wilson, Charles, 1833
- Wilson, George Alfred, 1833
- Wilson, Jane, 1808
- Wilson, John, 1804
- Wilson, Joseph, 1841
- Wilson, William, 1808
- Wilson, William, 1795
- Witzel, Peter, 1815
- Wood, Eliza, 1797
- Wood, Sophia, 1845
- Worden, Jarviss, 1802
- Workman, James, 1801
- Wright, John, 1788
- Wyfoot, Francis, 1813
- Yarwood, Mariah, 1827
- Young, William, 1795