Born: null

Died: 5 May 1809

Map Location: 5





Wife of



Further Information and Sources

The stone was embraced by a nearby tree, which had grown around it, with the inscription facing the tree trunk and thus obscuring the view.  Information as to who the stone belongs, death date etc. to was taken from Long’s 1937 listing.

On the evening of 10 September 2016 in the midst of a severe windstorm, the top of the maple tree that was engulfing Margaret Cook’s marker toppled.

On 10 September 2016 a severe windstorm toppled a maple tree in the Lower Burial Ground. (photo by Mary Davis Little)

There was some damage to the iron picket fence surrounding Robert Hall’s nearby gravesite which has since been repaired.  Otherwise the grave yard and church escaped relatively unscathed, somewhat remarkable considering the size off the tree.  With the cleanup and the careful removal of the tree trunk,, the grave marker is now visible – see the image below.

Margaret Cook’s headstone uncovered after a wndstorm that toppled the maple tree and the subsequent removal of the trunk that was growing around it. (photo by Alex Gabov)